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Metastate lowers the barrier to entry into the real estate market and makes it affordable for everyone. Invest in as many m2 as feasible.



Currently the real estate market is not accessible for the majority of us. The Metastate project was born to change that. Our properties will be split up in individual shares. We’ll make this possible with the use of blockchain technology. Each m2 will be represented by a unique NFT, a secure and transparent record of ownership.

The trading platform will enable everyone to safely invest into as much space as you can afford. We chose the thriving portugese real estate market to begin and will expand from there.

The platform will also serve as an intermediary between those who want to sell real estate and those who want to invest in it. It will verify all the documentation and its validity, and provide pertinent information to investors. Backed by a team of lawyers and real estate experts we will make sure that everything is safe and sound for you.

Furthermore, you will not only earn from the value of your real estate going up, but you will also earn royalties on the price of the entry tickets going up over time.