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Identity Wallet

A digital identity wallet that prioritizes security, privacy, and interoperability to drive adoption and support existing ecosystems.


Identity Wallet

Building Trust with Cardano, W3C, Trust Over IP (ToIP), and Key Event Receipt Infrastructure (KERI)

Securely generate, update, deactivate, and restore Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and KERI Autonomic Identifiers (AIDs). Establish trusted connections with DIDComm for communications and W3C verifiable credentials and Authentic Chained Data Containers (ACDCs).

Benefits of SSI and the Identity Wallet
  • Open Source Project maintained by the Cardano Foundation empowering the community and developers.
  • Interoperability supporting new and existing identity standards, ecosystems, and frameworks.
  • Mobile application offering accessibility and support for Android and iOS.
  • Enhanced private key security utilising device Hardware Security Modules and Secure Enclaves.
  • Convenience and flexibility provided through KERI, an agnostic identity protocol suitable for blockchain and enterprise storage solutions.
  • Optimise privacy with DIDComm messaging and ensure communications are encrypted and tamper-evident