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Global Identity and Authentication, holder-owned and holder-controlled, legally binding, in 1 Click.



Business Model based on Marketplace Solution: Holder mass-onboarding via telecommunication partner issuing verifiable credentials in wallet of the holder. Onboarding via Gateway Hardware to provide identity. Connecting the holder with verifier business cases. Monetization of the transactions via Gateway. Establishing a new revenue stream for the telco.

  1. Free, holder-owned, holder-controlled global identity and authentication.
  2. Decentralized: Storage on any DID / Ledger is supported. Start with Cardano Eco.
  3. Technology enables decentralized, asynchronous workflows and smart contracts in any business case.
  4. IAMX is an official Identity Eco System Partner of Cardano.
  5. The impact for the people, resulting from our contribution, is the highest in emerging markets. Ghana is a Pilot for identity, next to two countries from Europe, where IAMX builds 30 business cases for the telco customers. In total, we have active business relationships to 49 telecommunication partners.
  6. Customer Gateway Telecommunication: a) Holder mass-onboarding of verifiable credentials via 49 telecommunication partners. B) Technology: Pre-authenticated verifiable credential container sets, that are trusted by any verifier, owned and controlled by the holder, portable, issued by the telco as an authentication agent for this pre-authenticated data. c) GDPR-conformity by design, ZKP by design. d) Low transaction costs and high-speed processing due to low computational resources by design.
  7. Customer Gateway Hardware a) Real world Onboarding Gateway, consisting of scanner, biometric camera, touch screen display screen, payment. b) Provides biometric IDENTITY of face, iris, fingerprints still, fingerprints rolled. Chaining of unique identifiers. We issue this biometric identity chained (combining 4 unique biometrics identifiers) to the holder d) Authenticate 200 passports, match person on passport and physical person via matching by biometrical camera, issue verifiable credential container sets to the holder, issued by the terminal as an authentication agent for this physically authenticated ID, signature of authentication agent terminal. d) Conformity: GDPR, AML, AFIS, FBI Appendix F.

Founding Team

The founding team of 4 co-founders have been friends for 25 years, each co-founder with a business expertise of more than 20 years. 10 bn. Euro evaluation in Co-Founder, Founder, CEO, CMO roles. The team has a track record working with 49 international Telecommunication and Mass media Entertainment Partners such as: A1, Asia Cell, Cell C, Deutsche Telekom, Djibouti Telecom, Etisalat, Freenet, Liwest, Medion, Mobilcom-Debitel, Mobilezone, Orange, Smart, Spark, Sunrise, Tele2, Telefónica, Three, T-Mobile, upc, Vika, Vip, Vodafone, Vodafone Egypt, ZAIN, Zamtel (…).

Product Software

Mobile plan (SIM only), unlimited LTE, 50% discount, 1Click-Fulfillment live.


PayPal-Checkout enables certain Shopping Partners, based on post address and payment. IAMX enables the proof of whole set of attributes and properties needed by the verifier, in order to be able to legally binding interact, e.g. authenticated passport-no, first name, last name, street, street no, zip, city, country, birthdate, place of birth, nationality. IAMX also enables organizations and enables control of assets such as real estate.