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Create unique NFTs for your business, institution or art. DVOLD makes it easy to Create & Distribute Your NFTs to your customers without any upfront cost.



DVOLD, short for Digital Vault, enables official companies, artists and institutions to create NFTs for all their customers, referred to as “Minting.”

The DVOLD App and Website interface provides an easy process for the secure transfer of purchase receipts, Proof of Authenticity, Warranty, Certificates or diplomas in the form of NFTs to consumers’ secure DVOLD private custodial Cardano wallets.

Companies, Artists and Institutions can prepare the relevant NFT as draft for their customers, Consumers can decide when to request the NFT by simply scanning a QR or NFC code attached to the Real World Asset like diploma, product or piece of art.

Adoption is key, the choice is for the consumers who can decide when and where they want to receive the Real World Asset attached NFT without any upfront minting cost for the distributor of the NFTs.