Chibidango Heroes is an upcoming Play to Earn Idle Hero game on Cardano Blockchain. Collect your Chibidango Heroes and use them in various activities through out the Chibiway Galaxy to earn rewards.
Do not miss the DGEMS Airdrop for Holders. Each ChibidangoHero from Season 1 and Season 2 will generate DGEMS tokens every week. Use this token in the SUMMONING (aka breeding) game and make a profit on the Chibidango Marketplace!
Going on Adventures to level up your Chibidango Heroes will be one of the most crucial part to make your Chibidango’s stronger and also the first step to expand your Dango Village. Upgrade your Chibidango’s and Dango Village by gathering Crafting materials, Experience Potions and other various items. Discover new locations around Dango Village with your personal Dango Airship. Beasts are defending the materials at locations that Chibidango Heroes need to upgrade their gear, becoming stronger in the process. Venture forth the Underworld Portal to battle vicious Monsters. Each monster will have its own strength and weakness and once killed they will drop a unique Void Stone. Chibidango’s will be able to consume the Void Stones to increase their strength.