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Catsky AI

Using cat memes, Web3 and Artificial Intelligence to create innovative tools and services.


Catsky AI

Catsky AI is a Cardano Native Token that is focused on combining Web3 and Artificial Intelligence to create innovative tools, services, and applications to solve problems in Web3 and foster adoption of Crypto and AI technology. The project hinges on the thesis that AI and Humans combine to create true value while NFTs and Tokens are tools to capture created value and incentivize users to get involved, learn, and build a community.

Catsky AI was originally Catsky, a cat based meme token. However, since the project began a solid team of AI and Crypto enthusiasts has continuously driven further thinking about how the project can innovate with these new technologies and use the power of memes and the mass of cat lovers as a way to attract a large user base of technical and non technical individuals.

The project is working on solving the current issues faced in the crypto industry. Specifically, keeping track of many projects at once and the time and energy drain associated with that. To alleviate this issue the project is building custom data trained AI Bots and ChatBots for Twitter, Discord, and Websites that make it easier for users to get official project information faster and easier than ever before. Catsky AI is also building traditional business models to sell digital products and leveraging the community. Guides and training are in development to allow community members to earn $CATSKY tokens to help build and sell digital products while onboarding fresh Web2 money into the Crypto ecosystem. As work continues the project’s scope continues to expand along with the team and community. Additionally, Catsky AI uses its income sources and locks a portion of the earned value into the $CATSKY token via Canning. Canning is the process of taking income, adding into the liquidity pool, and burning the Liquidity Pool tokens. This Canning process locks the value into the token and will be performed on all non-royalty income on an ongoing basis.