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CardanoSpace is a website of which everyone can own a piece. It's virtual real estate—unreal estate.



CardanoSpace is a website of which everyone can own a piece. It’s virtual real estate—unreal estate.

The website is a 100×100 grid. Each cell in the grid is an NFT. If you own the NFT, then you own that part of CardanoSpace. And you can do things with it (more on that below). CardanoSpace is a central hub for the community, where we can hang out, explore NFT projects, promote stake pools, be creative and celebrate events!

We call the NFTs: Coordinates. So let’s say you own Coordinate B-12.

Then you can:

  • Change the image displayed at B-12 on CardanoSpace
  • Write a message displayed when someone mousehovers/taps B-12
  • Pick a URL that’s linked to

It’s your home. Use it for whatever you want! People have already used their space for scavenger hunts, promoting charities, shilling NFTs, flexing CryptoPunks and rare SpaceBudz, announcing auctions, representing stake pools, congratulating newly weds, publishing literature and many many more things.

Everything is on-chain, and you can change it anytime you want. So, CardanoSpace NFTs are not just collector’s items. They hold long-term utility value. You could even update your space programmatically, in response to real-world events or to other parts of CardanoSpace. When smart contracts drop, they, too, will be able to own and control parts of CardanoSpace. As well as DAOs. We’re going to see some weird and epic stuff.

That’s the basis of how CardanoSpace works. We have much more functionality planned. Check our roadmap if you’re interested.